About MCS

Miller Consulting Services (MCS) is a certified woman-owned small business that is thriving in technical writing and compliance consulting fields.  Though we began primarily with technical writing services, we quickly expanded our focus to the successful development and implementation of industry best practices and regulatory compliance programs. Our team of consulting experts have years of experience with conducting assessments of compliance programs, and they work diligently to provide comprehensive solutions to each individual client’s needs.  In addition to client work, our experts speak at conventions, facilitate industry roundtables, and write papers and articles on various topics associated with regulations, operations, and recommendations for best practices.

Our business model has always centered around developing and maintaining long-term relationships with our clients, ensuring that each client receives our time and attention to detail on each project.  We do it right!  This is evidenced by the fact that our client list includes many Fortune 500 companies, as well as other prominent energy companies and organizations.

Our Staff

MCS staff is comprised of dedicated professionals with considerable experience in regulatory compliance, technical documentation, and project management.  Our professionals have experience throughout a variety of industries, including the following:

  • Energy/Oil and Gas
  • Information Technology
  • Public Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Energy
  • U.S. Military
  • Construction
  • Healthcare
  • Telecommunications
  • Airline/Aviation
  • Advertising
  • Real Estate
  • Finance & Accounting

Click on an icon below to expand the description:

Compliance Consultants

Compliance Consultants have expertise in a wide variety of regulatory areas.  Compliance Consultants analyze current program documents and records to determine whether programs meet compliance requirements.  They evaluate client and third party vendors to ensure compliance, overall effectiveness, and adherence to industry best practices.  Compliance Consultants create audit support tools, conduct preparatory mock audits, and provide onsite support during internal, state, and federal audit proceedings.

Project Managers

Project Managers work closely with clients to define and establish project guidelines and expectations.  They coordinate workflow, deliverables, and milestones to meet project deadlines.  MCS Project Managers complete initial training according to standards set by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and The Society for Technical Communication (STC) and expand skills through ongoing training and education, participation in local PMI chapters, and mentor/mentee relationships with other Project Management professionals.

Project Support

Project Support staff members perform administrative duties to support successful project completion. They maintain tracking databases, document meeting minutes and identified action items, and facilitate document transfer and storage in network folders or SharePoint sites.

Technical Illustrators

Technical Illustrators create and edit project graphics files, such as flow diagrams, organizational charts, and line drawings, as well as provide support for PDF documents, websites, and large data transfers.  Technical Illustrators use industry-standard software from Microsoft (Visio, PowerPoint, and Publisher) and Adobe (Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat).

Technical Specialists

Technical Specialists perform very specific project tasks, such as programming and coding services, data analysis, and database administration.  They customize tools to streamline client processes and remove points of failure.  MCS Technical Specialists have experience with industry standard software such as SharePoint, SQL Server, Oracle database, Visual Basic, and others.

Technical Writers

Technical Writers create, edit, and maintain all project documents.  They create original content through research and Subject Matter Expert interviews, organize content for clarity, and standardize documents for consistency.  Technical Writers edit documents for accuracy (punctuation, grammar, tense usage, etc.) and validate internal and external references.

We would appreciate the opportunity to arrange a call with the appropriate members of your company to explain more about what we offer and to answer any questions you might have. MCS excels at analyzing business needs and working with our clients to implement customized, effective solutions to issues.


We know we can be a valued resource to your company.